Stories of faith, hope and encouragement

Purging: Letting Go ….

When my mom died in 2013, I was tasked to clean out my parents’ garage where they stored most of their memorabilia gathered over the 34 years they had lived in Canada. It was not possible to sort through all of the stuff but I did my best and called 1-800-JUNK to take the rest. There was no disrespect meant but no one had time to sort through their stuff. It was then that I decided I will not do this to our children. As soon as I got home, I went through the first of many purgings. Thrift store, give away, garbage, storage. Repeat. Every time, I felt lighter. When we sold our house in 2014, we disposed a whole lot more. Ten years later, we have kept what we own materially to a minimum by not holding on to “stuff” and continuing to “purge”.

I believe purging is good practice for material stuff but also for the body, soul and spirit. Physically, it helps our body to reset and to start clean. For the soul and spirit, purging is like dealing with trauma, unforgiveness and woundedness from our past as well as all the unnecessary baggage (offences, grudges, etc) we drag around with us. To be sure, it was not our fault we were wounded and traumatized but perhaps it is our responsibility now to deal with those hurts and to move on with our lives? Let’s keep the happy memories, process the painful ones, keep on forgiving and asking for forgiveness. Call 1-800-JESUS and talk to Him about all that unnecessary baggage. We are meant to travel light:)

*Not my parents’ garage

How good You are, Father, that You want us to travel light in our journey! Jesus gave His life so we don’t have to be burdened and we can live free. Help us to let go of “stuff “ and to enjoy our present moments with You without our “baggage”.

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