Stories of faith, hope and encouragement

Busy, Busy, Busy ….

Busy, Busy, Busy ….

We are preparing for a medical/dental outreach to the isolated islands of Balabac and Mangsee in Palawan, Philippines. We have received, sorted, packaged, labeled, measured, weighed and inventoried 99 boxes of medications/equipment and bags of donations. We have one more week to plan the logistics for up to 150 volunteers before we do the actual three day outreach. It surely has been very busy, busy, busy!

One of my biggest challenges when I get very busy is keeping God where He should be – FIRST. Sometimes when urgent matters jumpstart my day, it is so easy to make excuses and ask God for His understanding and forgiveness. And I do believe God understands and forgives but my experience is, when I am too busy to connect with the Source of life, love and power, I am in danger of doing things in my own strength. Eventually, I run out of charge – just like a cell phone.

Maybe if I had a spiritual indicator that tells me how much charge I have left, I can make sure – as I do with my cell phone – to connect with the source of my life and power when I am running low. But perhaps what would make even more sense is to make time to connect and to charge up before my day begins.
How about you? Do you wait until you run out of charge or do you make sure you are charged up for the day? Do you have spiritual indicators that tell you when you need to connect with the One who supplies all our needs?

Lord God Almighty, the source and giver of life, thank You that we can stay connected with You from the moment we open our eyes in the morning to the moment we close them for the night. Thank You that this is Your desire. May it be ours as well.

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