Stories of faith, hope and encouragement

Divine Appointment

I walked to the corner of our street with bags in tow for a 5:00 AM pickup. I was a few minutes early and the streets were deserted. I felt a wave of anxiety come over me – especially when my pick up messaged that they were going to be 15 min late. I refused to start my day fearful or annoyed so I decided to make good use of my time. Taking my Bible out of my bag, I started to read under the nearby lampost. A few minutes later, a street vendor pushing a cartful of coconuts arrived and parked right in front of me. I found out later that this was his usual spot for selling coconut drinks. This young man (Cocoy) seemed very curious and boldly asked if I was reading the Bible. I said ‘yes’ and he excitedly shared his longing to have a Tagalog Bible. He said that God is the only One he can call on who truly understands his desperate situation and he would like to know Him more. I was so moved by his plea that I promised to find a Tagalog Bible for him.

Even though days passed since that divine appointment, the Lord reminded me of my promise to Cocoy regularly. When I finally found Tagalog Bibles, I made my way to the corner at 7 am and found him working there as usual. What a joy it was to see his face light up as he received with excitement a complete Tagalog Bible (Old and New Testament) and a smaller NT pocket version as well!
I truly believe that Cocoy was the reason why my pick up was late that day. Praise the Lord that He honoured Cocoy’s desire to know Him and orchestrated events to meet that desire. What a privilege to be a part of this young man’s journey to know the Lord through the Word!

Thank You, Lord, that You want all of Your Creation to know You. May this desire grow stronger in each one of us especially as we see the Day approaching.

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