Stories of faith, hope and encouragement

Aisha’s Story

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Aisha” was called to work in a remote and potentially dangerous island from a religious standpoint.  What she found was a lovely but desperately lonely people eager to hear the stories she had to tell.

Aisha continues: (video transcript)

“In my frequent travel from that island to the main island, this woman, she would sit beside me. She loved to talk and converse with me and I took that as an opportunity to share stories in the Bible, not mentioning the verses, the Scriptures, or even if I talk about Jesus, I would not say Jesus because that’s offensive so I will just use Isa al-Masih because that name of Jesus is also found in the Quran. Every week, we have that conversation.

The storms in those islands are rare and when they came, they came unexpectedly. There are big waves, rain, strong winds. Because there are no life jackets, there is commotion. There’s panic. And I was like, you know, what Jesus did. We are praying silently. And then that woman grabbed my feet. She is shivering. She is crying. She is wondering why I am so calm but she doesn’t know that I was also panicking inside. But we have this hope. Jesus did calm the sea and He will do it again so we just prayed. I think it was an hour that we were in that state and then eventually it calmed down.

When we think of Muslims, we think they are unreachable. They are hard. They are hostile, but they are not. I had this experience of living (with them) on that island. I’ve experienced their need (crying softly) that, you know, I was moved when I see them. They are dying every day. But, how could they hear the good news when no one goes and proclaims it?

They need Jesus. They need a Saviour. They are just waiting for that someone who will go and love them just like what Jesus did for us.

They are just waiting.

This stormy incident led to an open-door invitation for Aisha to keep sharing stories about Isa al-Masih (Jesus) in her friend’s home.

Aisha’s friend accepted Jesus as her Saviour a few months after. Over time, her whole family did as well.

Aisha’s prayer is for people to go and share the stories of Jesus and to show His love to the people of Southern Philippines.

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