Stories of faith, hope and encouragement


Ever felt like you’ve been holding your breath under water for a long time and your lungs are about to burst?

For the last three weeks, I had been going through a very unusual season of oppression/depression/post outreach backlash/extended jet lag/physical exhaustion of aging body/overwhelming number (real or imagined) of demands and things to do/people to see/family members to connect with and I can keep on going. Add to these a heaping measure of guilt, feelings of hopelessness and frustration as I see my list of “to dos” building up and not so many items checked off.

I honestly tried all I can to get on top of things but after living in the midst of my self-made chaos with scattered paperwork on the floor for almost two weeks, I was at the end of myself.
“Lord, what is going on?” I cried to God in desperation.
I was prompted to get others to pray for me and to go on a fast. Not so I can get God’s attention (I already have that) but more so to “beat my body to submission”, “to make it my slave”(1Cor9:27).
“You (flesh) are NOT the boss of me!” (Lib)
By the second day of fasting, I had a breakthrough. I was so grateful for the prayers of the saints and for the Holy Spirit’s prompting to fast to weaken the flesh. Clarity of thinking was restored, cluttered papers were organized, and the overwhelming helpless feeling dissipated – replaced by the confidence that the Holy Spirit will help me tackle the challenging days ahead. God surely knew what I needed. Certainly not more of my fleshly strength but more awareness of His Holy Spirit.

Father, thank You that when we are at the end of ourselves, the Holy Spirit is right there waiting for us like a breath of fresh air. Praise the Lord!

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Personal Blogs

An unfettered run of anecdotes from the frazzled mind of a photojournalist.
A journal to find meaning in the moment and purpose in the plans, according to Lib.


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