Stories of faith, hope and encouragement

Papa John’s Center update


At Papa John’s Center in metro-Manila, children ages 5-20 are being cared for by Gemma Bucuyag (top right), who set aside her dental practice to care for children at risk in the neighborhood that she grew up in. 

Not knowing where food and living supplies will come from one month-to-the-next, Gemma relies largely on the generosity of strangers to supply the needs of her small staff and these children.

Our family was introduced to PJC during a short term trip that my wife and 5-kids took with Action International back in 2008.

Gemma, if you don’t know has responded compassionately to a call that God put on her heart to care for these children at risk in the Philippines. In doing so, she put her budding dental career on hold to devote herself to what she believes is more important work.  She’s never looked back.

These are just some of the many that Gemma has been serving over the years.  For our part, we have been helping to support the educational needs of these kids with a weekly bottle drive called Recycle for Life back in Canada.
As I hope these quick pics can tell you, the kids are doing great!

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12 years ago

Thanks Brandon. The funny thing is, I always come away from these visits feeling like I’ve been more blessed than the people we are trying to serve 🙂

Brandon Dorsey
12 years ago

Awesome Craig! I love the individual shots, they really give me as a viewer more of a connection to the family and the inspiring gift Gemma is giving.

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