Good News Stories are Trending

A new trend in online audience behaviour shows a shift toward solution-oriented content. Headline fatigue and doom scrolling are taking their toll on our mental health. People want fresh and more hopeful perspectives to the mainstream narrative.
Chad of God

I sat down to breakfast in the Manila guesthouse where we stay when we’re in the city. At the end of a spartan dining hall, perched between dark polished parquet floor and an overhead ceiling fan, sat Chad – his head bowed over a bowl of oatmeal. Awkwardly humble, painfully shy and courteous to a […]
Warts and All Info Night – July 18

A “warts and all” look at how God calls and prepares people for missions. Hint: It is more about being willing than about being prepared.
Love Beyond: a Philippine love story

In our work, we often talk about “going the extra mile.” But what does that really mean? For us, it means showing up where few others will. It means bringing hope to those who may feel forgotten. It means loving …without expecting anything in return.
Small acts of kindness

The little girl in a tattered, red dress looked up at me with puppy dog eyes; her hand held out with fingers extended. She might have been 5-years old but barely 3 feet tall. We were in the Philippines, downtown Dumaguete, where many indigenous people find themselves homeless. It was very late at night.
A Good Friday Cleansing

Beneath darkened skies, heavy rains wash over the streets of Bario Kapitolyio in Manila, Philippines.The rains today come after a lengthy period of drought – as though it were a sign from Heaven to reassure the community of the reality of Easter Holy Week, now in full swing.
YWAM Founder Graduates to Glory

Loren Cunningam, founder of Youth With A Mission, passed into the arms of Jesus on October 6, 2023. He was 88. I met “Uncle Loren” only a few times; read his books, even had the pleasure of sharing a workshop with the guy. I have seen his conviction, heard his passion to mobilize youth, […]
Papua New Guinea: Eye-Eye, Doctor!

There are no electronic medical records In the Highlands of Papua New Guinea; no insurance companies, and no Medicare. But as one volunteering eye-doctor said, “It gets you back to being a physician; to being what you got in it for in the first place.”
Philippines: Storytelling Workshop

Some 50 young people gather in Alabang, Philippines, for an afternoon workshop on the power and techniques of rich-media storytelling.
Ukraine: Make chickens, not war!

A courageous group of volunteers, from different churches across western Canada share their love for the people of Ukraine through practical acts of faith. Most recently, their efforts focus on a food-security and sustainable agricultural project, just west of the conflicted Donbas region.
Exposure Triangle: ISO

In this 3-part series, we look at manual camera settings for correct image exposure. The Exposure Triangle shows the connection between three essential camera controls: ISO = sensitivity of the camera sensor Aperture = volume of light, that is size of lens hole that light passes through measured in f-stops, and Shutter Speed = time […]
Creating An Online Course While Crossing Canada In A Van (MMSC)

Self-isolating in a customized van, Craig and Lib head out across Canada’s glaciated mountains, sprawling plains and rocky shields of lake-pocked landscape to film lessons for an online Media Mission Short Course (MMSC) to equip up-and-coming video journalists. This short video will get you up to speed on our work to film lesson modules for […]